Alyssa & Ryan's Wedding Donation Page
Ryan and I would like to give our guests the option to donate to a very special organization that has inspired us on so many levels beyond what can be expressed with words. Several years ago I discovered the harsh world of pediatric cancer and couldn’t believe the amount of families struggling to care for children with life threatening illnesses every single day.
I was immediately drawn to helping these children and their families in any way I could as I truly couldn’t imagine the strength and perseverance it takes to endure some of the things that they are required to on a regular basis. I quickly looped Ryan into this world who continues to share and support this passion for helping others in need, especially considering how sincerely fortunate we both are.
We are not only inspired by their strength but drawn to their resilience. It was then I discovered Campaign One At a Time and fell in love with their mission which lines up directly with our passions. Campaign OAAT is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with the goal of making the world a better place, one person, and one good deed at a time. They offer a variety of programs that not only support families facing extreme hardship such as relapse, the loss of a job, and bereavement, but also provide hospitalized children with meals, warrior boxes and help them fulfill their biggest dreams.
Ryan and I have seen the immensely powerful effects this organization has had on countless children and their families.
We are hoping to make half the difference they have in our lifetime together.
Thank you for considering donating to this very special cause that remains close to our hearts!