Kathryn Lewis




Goal: $5,000

Before diagnosis, Kathryn was your typical 4-year-old, wild, second child. She was in public pre-k and having a blast! She has always been the kiddo with no fear. She enjoyed her baby dolls, barbies, and LOLs. Friends, family, and going has always been a huge part of who she is.

When we received the news, we were ready for battle! When Kathryn began to feel bad, she also became pale, which led me to believe it was a blood issue. Once we received the first labs, I suspected some form of blood cancer. We headed to Houston, a 3-hour trip, me, Kathryn, and her dad. We prayed, texted our closest friends, and went in peace. We were taken straight to the ER, and a doctor came straight in. He asked if I had any thoughts, and I told him I assumed blood cancer and that we wanted him to shoot us straight! Let's figure it out and get a plan in place. A few days later, we had a diagnosis and plan to fight! While it wasn't easy, we have tried to keep focused and have definitely kept our faith, believing that only God knows the number of our days.

The diagnosis has changed Kathryn and our entire community. While it has not been fun, it is our new normal. We have accepted this is what it is for now, and we just keep going. We count down the treatments, we look at the good, and we are thankful for the now! We have all found our new normal in the midst of the world finding a new normal with Covid. Whew. What a crazy few years. Being shut down for covid in 2019-2020 helped prepare us for being home more, focusing on family and living more simply.

During the diagnosis, the first year was the hardest because she had to stay home due to her weakened immune system. In August 2022, Kathryn was able to start Kindergarten though. She was able to complete kinder with minimal missed days. However, it has still limited her ability to go, to live free, and to enjoy simple things such as not having to take medication every day. Her sister has gone through counseling to process how it impacts us all. Since it has pulled both her dad and me so much, we try to make a point to ensure the oldest is taken care of in her own ways. As a caregiver, her sister is a worrier who wants to take care of her baby sister.
Kathryn said this dream "would be so fun to ride a roller coaster with her sister and reminds her of how brave she was while she had cancer." As a family, we can't afford this type of trip, but it would be such an amazing way to celebrate all the crazy from the last few years. To just get away, have fun, and experience this type of family fun would be a blessing! #team kk

- Brittany Lewis

What will it take?!

It will cost $5,000 to fulfill our goal of covering the costs of Kathryn's dream trip.
If just 50 people gave $100, we would reach this goal!

Any funds raised after our $5,000 goal will go on to help more kids like Kathryn!

Looking to donate through Apple or Google Pay?

Donate through VENMO with a note that says

Tap below to donate to Kathryn’s campaign directly
through PAYPAL


Stay updated with Kathryn’s story!

We’ll continue to update this page as Kathryn’s story unfolds.


Tenzin Tanaka


Aubrey Bell-Davis