Avery is a 1 year old from Aubrey, Texas
and we were on a mission to raise $10,000 to send Avery and her family
on a much needed
Dream Trip to Austin, Texas
where they will enjoy some quality family time OUTSIDE of the hospital!

Avery is a 1 year old from Aubrey, Texas. “Everyone that sees Avery says she is an “”old soul.“” There’s much to be seen in her eyes. Avery’s journey started when her mom noticed a swollen lymph node under Avery’s right ear. A few days later, she noticed another one and also noticed that Avery wasn’t eating like normal.

Avery was taken to her pediatrician. Everything looked fine but her pediatrician decided last-minute to run some blood work due to Avery’s pale color. Those labs showed some concerning numbers, so she sent Avery to Children’s Hospital Plano. Things accelerated after drawing more blood in the ER. Her WBC and ANC were incredibly elevated. She was then diagnosed with Leukemia.

We are now on a mission is to raise $10,000 to send Avery and her family on a much needed dream trip to Austin, Tx where they will enjoy some quality family time OUTSIDE of the hospital.

Avery’s goal has been met!

Thank you to everyone who supported Avery’s campaign and helped her
DREAM come true!

Any funds raised exceeding Avery's goal will go towards our
DREAM BANK, to help more kids like Avery.

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Stay updated with Avery’s story!

We’ll continue to update this page as Avery’s story unfolds.


