Ezra Ayala-Allard




Goal: $5000

As the world battled a pandemic in 2020, in Southern Florida, a little boy began his own fight for survival. Born at just 23 weeks and 3 days, Ezra Grey entered the world far too soon, his tiny body struggling to take its first breath. He had to be resuscitated, rushed to the NICU, and intubated immediately. His parents could only watch and wait, longing to hold their son, something they wouldn’t get to do for 58 long days.

He spent 17 months in the NICU, fighting through and overcoming obstacles most could never fathom. To call it torment would be an understatement. He was diagnosed with Chronic Lung Disease, blindness due to Retinopathy of Prematurity, Pulmonary Hypertension, Intraventricular Hemorrhages, Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, and more.

Complication after complication pushed Ezra to the edge. He couldn’t be successfully extubated, forcing his parents to make the heartbreaking decision to proceed with a tracheostomy. Prolonged intubation led to an oral aversion, making a gastrostomy tube necessary as well. But amid the struggles, the trach placement became a turning point, it gave Ezra the stability he so desperately needed, allowing his parents to finally hold and cherish their baby without the constant fear of losing him.

Yet, another wrecking battle loomed; his fight for sight. A promising laser surgery failed within weeks, and as his retinas began to detach, his parents desperately searched for a surgeon willing to give him a chance. After months of uncertainty, they traveled to Duke University, holding onto hope that a vitrectomy could save his vision. But once again, they were met with heartbreak, the surgery was unsuccessful. Ezra was left completely blind, able to perceive only faint lights and shadows.

After 17 grueling months filled with surgeries, infections, and setbacks, Ezra was finally discharged in April 2022, coming home with a ventilator, oxygen, a feeding tube, and medications. But home was not a finish line; it was another battlefield. Constant respiratory crises sent him back to the hospital repeatedly, and just as his parents dared to hope for stability, another heavy blow came—a cerebral palsy diagnosis was added. It was more than a label; it was a lifetime of therapy and uncertainty.

Today, against all odds, Ezra breathes on his own with only minimal oxygen support. He’s been ventilator-free since November 2023 and is on track to have his trach removed later this year. He laughs, plays, and fills every room with his joy. Music is his world, he loves his drums, Peppa Pig, Ms. Rachel, and Disney dance parties. He has even started eating small amounts of food by mouth, though his feeding tube remains for now.

"Through all of this, I am confident Ezra is the happiest child you’ll meet, always displaying the biggest smile, ear to ear. Ezra loves playing his drums, Peppa Pig, Ms. Rachel, having Disney dance parties, and being around his family." – Ezra’s Mom

Now, we have a chance to change the narrative, to give Ezra a world beyond survival, where pure joy takes the place of every battle he’s fought, even just for a moment. We need your help to raise $5,000 to send Ezra and his family on a special trip to Disney World and Give Kids The World, where he can experience life not as a patient, but as a child. Ezra has fought harder than most will in a lifetime, he deserves this chance to just be a kid.

Let’s make his DREAM COME TRUE!

What will it take?!

It will cost $5,000 to fulfill our goal of covering the costs of Ezra’s dream trip.
If just 50 people gave $100, we would reach this goal!

Any funds raised after our $5,000 goal will go on to help more kids like Ezra!

Looking to donate through Apple or Google Pay?

Donate through VENMO with a note that says

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through PAYPAL


Stay updated with Ezra’s story!

We’ll continue to update this page as Ezra’s story unfolds.


Mateo Miranda Tran