Non-Discrimination Ethical Standards
Volunteer, Participant, and Staff Relationships:
Campaign One At A Time is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment. All staff, volunteers, and participants must treat others with dignity and respect. Individuals from diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds are welcomed, providing an enriching and educational experience for all.
Equal Opportunity:
Discrimination in any form is not tolerated within the organization’s programs, activities, or employment. Equal opportunity is provided regardless of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or parental status, religion, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, or veteran status. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), reasonable accommodations will be made for volunteers with disabilities. Anyone requiring assistance should contact their designated support person to ensure accessibility. This policy applies to all applicants, volunteers, employees, clients, and program participants. Concerns related to non-discrimination or equal opportunity should be directed to the volunteer coordinator.
Non-Occupational Disability:
Medical care for non-occupational illnesses or injuries remains the sole responsibility of the affected individual and their personal healthcare provider. The organization does not provide medical coverage, reimbursement, or liability for medical expenses incurred as a result of non-occupational injuries or health conditions. Volunteers and participants are encouraged to secure appropriate personal health coverage before engaging in activities.
Program Eligibility & Non-Discrimination:
Children under the age of 18 are the primary beneficiaries of the organization’s mission to create meaningful experiences for those facing critical challenges. This age-based eligibility requirement is fundamental to the program’s purpose and does not constitute unlawful discrimination under federal, state, or international laws.
While core services are specifically designed for minors, it is acknowledged that individuals over 18 may also require support. Though the focus remains on children, the organization is committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment. Policies and practices are reviewed periodically to ensure compliance with the mission of compassion and support. For questions regarding eligibility criteria or further assistance, please contact the team for guidance.
Gender Identity and Expression:
A safe and inclusive environment is ensured for individuals of all gender identities and expressions. All individuals have the right to be addressed by their preferred names and pronouns. Discrimination, harassment, or refusal to respect a person’s gender identity or expression will not be tolerated. Facilities, dress codes, and other aspects of participation will be inclusive and respectful of diverse gender identities.
Anti-Harassment and Anti-Retaliation:
Harassment in any form, including but not limited to sexual harassment, verbal abuse, intimidation, or any conduct that creates a hostile or offensive environment, is strictly prohibited. Discriminatory harassment based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, disability, age, or any other protected characteristic will not be tolerated.
Retaliation against individuals who report discrimination, harassment, or participate in investigations is also strictly prohibited. Any concerns regarding harassment or retaliation should be reported to the Volunteer Coordinator or the designated representative. Reports will be investigated promptly, and appropriate action will be taken.
Inclusive Communication:
Open, respectful, and inclusive communication is expected in all interactions. Language that is free from bias, stereotypes, or exclusionary terms should be used in verbal, written, and digital communication. Individuals should refrain from using language that may be offensive, derogatory, or dismissive of any person’s background, identity, or lived experience.
Volunteering & Employment Fairness:
All volunteer and employment opportunities are based on merit, skills, and qualifications. Nepotism, favoritism, or unfair bias in recruitment, promotion, or engagement decisions is not tolerated. Equal access to opportunities, training, and advancement is ensured based on contributions and abilities.
Policy Updates & Compliance:
The organization reserves the right to modify, update, or revoke these policies at any time, with or without prior notice. Any amendments or updates will be communicated through official channels, including email notifications, website updates, and formal announcements. Individuals engaged with the organization are responsible for reviewing the most recent policy version to ensure compliance.
This document sets forth the terms and conditions governing your engagement with Campaign One At A Time. By accessing our website, participating in our programs, or otherwise interacting with us, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by these terms.
© Campaign One At A Time. All Rights Reserved.