Warrior Wednesday Spotlight - Jayce Casillas

This week we are highlighting this past Mays Campaign Kid Jayce who has a dream of going to Hawaii and as of yet has not hit her campaign goal.

Jayce was diagnosed with B-cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia on April 24th, 2021.

Jayce is a Southern California girl who was a vibrant, energetic and vivacious kid that loved the outdoors, especially the beach before her leukemia diagnoses.

It was in the spring of 2021 and still in the height of the pandemic when Jayce at the age of 7 years old started to run periodic fevers and due to the pandemic made it very difficult to be seen in person by a physician. Due to Jayce's fevers her mom Ali could only get a phone appointment with Jayce's pediatrician and by the time she was finally able to speak with the doctor Jayce had become very pale and fatigued, even taking multiple naps throughout the day. After telling the pediatrician all of the symptoms Jayce was experiencing the pediatrician recommended Ali to take her daughter in for a blood draw that day and within two hours after Jayce's labs Kaiser Hospital called and said to bring Jayce to the hospital right away. Jayce was admitted into the hospital that night with her parents by her side and still not knowing fully what was ahead of them until the next day when an oncologist came into Jayce's hospital room. The Oncologist sat Jayce's parents down to give them the news no parent expects to hear “your child has a cancer called Leukemia” this news was absolutely devastating. Ali Jayce's mom said that “There’s no such thing as a “good cancer” especially when it comes to childhood cancer.”

Jayce's initial impatient stay was three weeks long where she started her front-line treatments that lasted about eight months and then another two years of maintenance treatments. The hardest moment in Jayce's journey was when she ended up developing liver and gallbladder toxicity from her daily chemo pills where she had to be placed inpatient and be put on a low-fat diet until the toxicity got under control but the hardest part for Jayce during this time was that she had to miss her first day of 3rd grade and cope with one more thing that cancer took from her. Jayce's mom Ali said “It was difficult to see how treatment changed Jayce emotionally and physically, what came easy to her before diagnoses was now a challenge. Jayce became self-conscious about her short hair and sometimes would choose not to participate in functions if she felt uncomfortable. Going into survival mode and into lock down takes a toll on the entire family. Jayce missed out on so many “normal” childhood experiences; we just want her to be able to be a kid again.”

Jayce finally finished her 2 ½ years of treatment on June 28th, 2023, and rang the bell on July 13th, 2023, signifying the end of her chemo treatments. Jayce's mom Ali said “Jayce's body is still dealing with purging out the chemo, her stomach still gets upset easily and she gets a little fatigued but overall, she has a lot more energy and is enjoying have a “normal” summer for the first time in a few years. No long-term side effects have come up, at least not yet.”

This past January Jayce and her family came to a Campaign One At A Time event where they were able to meet other families going through some of the same experiences as them. Ali said that “Meeting other kids and their families who are going through similar things and understand what this journey has been like has been a game changer, it has helped our family immensely.”

Jayce loves the beach so much that she has dreamt of going to Hawaii, more specifically Disney Aulani Resort on Oahu with her family where she can just be a kid, put her toes in the sand and not think about cancer. Campaign One At A Time wanted to help fulfill that DREAM by making Jayce a campaign kid this past May. Campaign One At A Time and Jayce's family have a goal of $10,000 for Jayce's DREAM trip, so far, they have raised $2529.00. We could use your help in raising another $7471.00 to get Jayce to Hawaii. If you would like to help by donating or by spreading the word, please hit the link below and share Jayce's campaign page. Children fighting cancer deserve to celebrate these huge victories and what better way than in Hawaii!


If you would like to follow Jayce's journey you can follow her on Instagram at @aliluedtke

Written by Tracy Croxen


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