Where and when should I set up my stand?
We encourage you to set up your stand in your front yard, your place of business, or any other high-traffic area. Choose any day that works best for you between July 1 and July 8.
How do I fundraise?
We encourage participants to fundraise with the fundraising page provided by Campaign One at a Time leading up to Cups for Campaign Week. This link can be shared via email, text, social media, etc. Participants also can collect money at their physical lemonade stands during the Cups for Campaigns week.
How do I turn in my money?
Most of your money raised will be through online giving on your personal fundraising page. Any physical money made from your lemonade stand can be made by making a personal donation to your fundraising at the end of the week. Check made payable to Campaign One at Time can be mailed to this address, with your team name in the memo:
Campaign One At A Time
2620 Associated Road A98
Fullerton, Ca 92835
What will be included in my kit?
In your kit, you will receive a shirt for your campaign kid alumni to wear, a pitcher, a stack of cups, color-changing straws, and stickers to give out! You will also receive a signage for your stand including a QR code that links directly to your page!
What will I need to provide?
Make a creative stand and just add the lemonadeπ. You may want to create posters or signage to promote traffic or extra cups for all your thirsty donors ππ