Anahi is a 7 year old from Hemet, CA and we were on a mission to raise $5,000 to send Anahi and her family on a
Dream Trip to Aulani
where they can make amazing memories together!
Anahi is a 7 year old from Hemet, CA. Anahi has always been a happy, positive and up beat little girl no matter what she's gone through and had to endure! Anahi’s journey started when over a year of toe walking and constantly being told by the doctors that she would grow out of it, the toe walking got worse. The toe walking continued to worse and she no longer was able to walk flat footed or wear shoes without them falling off. She constantly complained of her legs hurting, had loss of balance, and had difficulty walking and was constantly getting sick.
After switching doctors multiple times, they finally found one that submitted a referral for an MRI. During the MRI the radiologist noticed something and immediately alerted the doctors of her findings. Within an hour of completing the MRI, the doctors advised them that could not leave the hospital and they would be admitting Anahi, due to her MRI showing multiple tumors. She was later on diagnosed with Stage 3 Neuroblastoma.
We are on a mission to raise $5,000 to send Anahi and her family on a dream trip to Aulani where they can make amazing memories together!
Anahi’s goal has been met!
THANK YOU to everyone who supported Anahi’s campaign and helped her DREAM come true!
Any funds raised exceeding Anahi's goal will go towards our
DREAM BANK, to help more kids like Anahi.
Looking to donate through Apple or Google Pay?
Stay updated with Anahi’s Story
We’ll continue to update this page as Anahi’s story unfolds.