$3,091.85 of $5,000
Amelia is a 4 year old from Cudahy, WI, and we are on a mission to raise $5,000 to send her and her family on a dream trip to
Give Kids The World and Disney World
where they can make amazing memories together OUTSIDE of the hospital!
Amelia is a 4 year old from Cudahy, WI. Amelia is a great listener. She is shy at first but is very social. She loves people and playing with her friends. Amelia’s journey started as a repeated fever that wouldn’t go away. She was taken to urgent care twice, but sent home each time. She was in daycare so the explanation was that she had a virus, followed by a second of a different strain.
Amelia’s fever went in and out for the next few weeks. One morning, Amelia’s fever had returned, but this time her belly was inflated. She hadn't eaten much the day before so they couldn't understand why her belly was big. Since it seemed serious, her mom decided to take Amelia to the emergency room. At the hospital, Amelia was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
With Amelia’s cancer diagnosis, the family has learned to live in the moment and enjoy our present. In 2020, Amelia lost her papa, and that has been very challenging and life changing. Cancer is life-changing in itself but such a loss has had compounding effects.
We are on a mission to raise $5,000 to send Amelia and her family on a dream trip to Give Kids The World and Disney World where they can make amazing memories together OUTSIDE of the hospital!
What will it take?!
It will cost $5,000 to fulfill our goal to cover the costs of Amelia's dream trip.
If just 50 people gave $100, we would reach this goal!
Currently at $3,091.85 of $5,000
Looking to donate through Apple or Google Pay?
Stay updated with Amelia’s Story
We’ll continue to update this page as Amelia’s story unfolds!