$1,713.80 of $5,000

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“Hi, I’m Destiny’s sister.

Before diagnosis Destiny was once very outgoing. She loved going fishing, swimming, bike riding, going on walks, and basically doing anything outdoors. For the past year, she’s been very lethargic and it was very upsetting seeing how she no longer had the energy to do everything she loved. She stopped wanting to go to arcades, movie theaters, zoos, and all the places she once loved. Slowly but surely she starting to get some energy back but some days are not as good as others.

It was very heartbreaking on 4/25/2022 when we got the news about Destiny’s 5.2cm tumor in her brain. This day happened to be the day after her 10th birthday which meant we were away from home for her birthday weekend. It was a birthday we will never forget, in a sad way. It seemed like horrible timing because everything started to make sense… her being very lethargic on her birthday made lots of sense.. the tumor was not allowing her to enjoy it! She slept 70 percent of her birthday while at Triple Play Fun Park in Hayden Lake, Idaho which is 3 and a half hours away from home. No parent is ever prepared to be told their child has a grade four brain tumor.

Since diagnosis, our family has been able to come together to support Destiny during her journey. It has been amazing. Even though we are miles apart from each other we are able to FaceTime/video chat and keep in touch on a regular basis. Destiny misses her family back home dearly. My family back home is in Walla Walla, WA. Destiny is currently in Seattle, WA. This is a 261 miles distance: 4 hours 30 min away. Aside from Destiny missing our family, she has two dogs at home who she really misses. *She loves all dogs, or anything dog related*

Destiny has missed out on family time, outdoors, school, friends, and being around people. Since her immune system is very low she can’t be around too many people or go to very many places like she once did. She’s still getting used to not having her long hair!

This dream to go to Hawaii would mean the world to not only Destiny but our family altogether. Destiny has never been to a beach, so this would be an amazing opportunity. She says she even wants to learn how to Hula. Our family is pretty big (7 children) So we have never had the chance to really travel together. Destiny would love to have a family trip in honor of her.

We are very grateful for foundations like Campaign One at a Time that allows this amazing opportunity for children like my sister/families like ours. She is going to feel so happy, lucky, and beyond loved. Thank you.”

-Sister Crystal Madrigal

What will it take?!

It will cost $5,000 to fulfill our goal to cover the costs of
Destiny's dream trip.
If just 50 people gave $100, we would reach this goal!

Currently at
$1,713.80 of $5,000

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Stay updated with Destiny’s story!

We’ll continue to update this page as Destiny’s story unfolds.

Have you read Destiny’s story on the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin?
Check it out & give it a share!


