Blake is a 7 year old from Canton, Ohio and we are on a mission
to raise $5,000 to send Blake and his family on a dream trip to
Give Kids The World Village and Disney World
where they can make amazing memories together OUTSIDE of the hospital!
Blake is a 7 year old from Canton, Ohio. Blake is an understanding and sympathetic little boy. Even on his very worst days he will tell his mom, “Mom I’m just happy you don’t have to go through cancer.” Blake’s journey started after failing 2 routine school hearing tests in his right ear. After a visit to an audiologist and his third failed hearing test, a follow up appointment with his primary care doctor indicated that he had a severe ear infection in his right ear and was put on antibiotics.
Three days later, Blake’s mom noticed he had lost all function on the right side of his face. Thinking it was a reaction to the antibiotics, Blake was taken to the ER for a CT scan. 3 and a half hours later, the ER doc asked Blake’s parents to follow him so they could sit down for a talk. They found a tumor on the right side of his skull, obstructing his ear canal. After an MRI and biopsy of the tumor, Blake was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma.
We are on a mission to raise $5,000 to send Blake and his family on a dream trip to Give Kids The World and Disney World where they can make amazing memories together OUTSIDE of the hospital!
Blake’s goal has been met!
Thank you to everyone who supported Blake’s campaign and helped his DREAM come true!
Any funds raised exceeding Blake's goal will go towards our
DREAM BANK, to help more kids like Blake.
Looking to donate through Apple or Google Pay?
Stay updated with Blake’s Story
We’ll continue to update this page as Blake’s story unfolds!