$935 OF $5,000

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Hazel is a 4 year old from Seattle, WA and we are on a mission to raise
$5,000 to send Hazel and her family
on a dream trip to
Give Kids The World Village
and Disney World

where they can make amazing memories together OUTSIDE of the hospital.

Hazel is a 4 year old from Seattle, WA. Hazel loves spooky ghosts, zombies and dressing up and Halloween. Hazel’s journey started when she seemed to have a mild stomach bug. She threw up a few times and had a mild fever before getting back to normal for a few days. After a few days, she became increasingly lethargic and complained of leg pain. Within 24 hours she was refusing to bear weight on her legs and crying out in pain.

Hazel was taken to the Emergency Department at Seattle Children’s where they did a quick MRI from the hips down. They thought she had bacterial bone infections and she was prescribed antibiotics. Days passed and she did not get better. Finally, they did a full body scan and there was a mass in her abdomen. Interventional radiology was able to retrieve a sample by needle and the mass was confirmed to be malignant later that day. She was later on diagnosed with High-risk, stage IV Neuroblastoma with a 50% relapse rate and a 50-60% 5-year survival rate.

We are on a mission to raise $5,000 to send Hazel and her family on a dream trip to The Give Kids The World Village and to Disney World where they can make amazing memories together OUTSIDE of the hospital!

What will it take?!

It will cost $5,000 to fulfill our goal to cover the costs of
Hazel's dream trip.
If just 50 people gave $100, we would reach this goal!

CURRENTLY AT $935 of $5,000

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Stay updated with Hazel’s Story!

We’ll continue to update this page as Hazel’s story unfolds.


