Hannah is from Havertown, PA and were are on a mission to raise
$10,000 to send Hannah and her family on a Dream Trip to Switzerland
where they can make amazing memories together OUTSIDE of the hospital!

Hannah is from Havertown, PA whose strength and determination amazes everyone. her journey started when her left-handed pitching was off for a few weeks. She began to complain about pain and difficulty breathing. Her parents thought she pulled something while pitching.

Hannah was brought to see her primary doctor when the pain did not improve. Her doctor ordered a chest x-ray and a large mass was discovered next to Hannah’s heart. Little did they know, their life was about to change forever. Within the hour, the doctor was calling Hannah’s mother to tell her they found a mass in her chest and CHOP ER was waiting for them. Hannah was immediately admitted for various invasive testing. Hannah was later on diagnosed with Primary Mediastinal Large B-cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.Aside from battling cancer herself, Hannah is part of Beads For A Cure, a group that supports other kids battling cancer.

We are on a mission to raise $10,000 to send Hannah and her family on a dream trip to Switzerland where they can make amazing memories together OUTSIDE of the hospital!

Hannah’s goal has been met!

Thank you to everyone who supported Hannah’s campaign and helped her DREAM come true!

Any funds raised exceeding Hannah's goal will go towards our
DREAM BANK, to help more kids like Hannah.

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Stay updated with Hannah’s Story!

We’ll continue to update this page as Hannah’s story unfolds.


